Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Studio Views - works in progress

Okay, so it's been forever since I posted.  Sorry.  The life of a busy band director gets in the way - February & March - more performances than I can even count here.  Three big events, just last week, all that I hosted, coordinated, etc, etc.  And that's just last week.   I won't even get into the entire past two months.

That having been said, finding time in the studio has been hard, but very needed.  Each time I spend a little time there, it's been calming & wonderful.  Many new things to tell you about & to post here and on etsy, but for now, here's some views of my work tables.  (yes, tables....  )

I promise I won't take quite so long between posts again.  More in a few days!  Enjoy this wonderful spring weather - it's finally sunny here!  Yipee!