Sunday, January 21, 2007

Starting on a new idea

I've wanted to have my own blog for as long as I knew they existed. I guess I'm a "gadget gal" and I really do love anything like this. This will be a new venture for me to try to keep up with semi-regular posts, and give me a place to post my art work, cool quotes I find, and other thoughts from daily life.
It's been snowing non-stop all day today, and I'm sure when I look back and read this in the middle of summer, I won't believe how cold & snowy everything was today. And how little I really accomplished today, but how good that is once in a while. I'm ashamed to say that we still had our Christmas tree up, and it has finally been put away for the year. I just love seeing it up, and hate to see it put away, but I guess it's time now!
Well, I'll see where this venture leads -- here's to a blog of my own!

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