Friday, January 29, 2010

Solo & Ensemble Day

Tomorrow is high school solo & ensemble day, and we're off to Cadillac High School. The students are ready, and now it's time to go and play for the judges. I'll try to get some pictures of some of my students playing tomorrow and post. Needless to say, there's been little in the arena of art making.

I have a swap due soon, and I knew I would need to have gotten the swap mainly done over the holidays, but that just didn't happen, so I guess Sunday will be a big art making day for me. I have lots of things to do for school, for band, and for ASBDA, but I'll get some art making in there, too. I think I need to splash a little paint around, it will be good for the soul.

See you again soon!

1 comment:

WorkingMommy said...

You want to hear something funny? I still cannot go to Big Rapids without feeling overwhelmingly nervous. Isn't that the craziest thing? I used to have nightmares about doing solo's..and I would get up there and not remember how to play a note. I still have those dreams to this day and I haven't done that in YEARS. hmmmmmm......I think I was always scared of letting certain people down