Sunday, April 25, 2010

Don't forget to enjoy the moment.

My friend Lucy, the secretary at one of the schools where I teach, sent me an email last week to tell me that she had the list of kids who would be helping me on Thursday and Friday as we hosted our last evaluations of the year (with literally thousands of people coming - 24 groups, each group made up of between 30 - 80 kids and the additional parents/grandparents/well-wishers who follow each group - stress levels were high) with words that I've really thought about since then - she said "do great things, but don't forget to enjoy the moment."

Thanks, Lucy - I did enjoy the moment - it was sublime! One of the best concerts I can remember conducting.

And now, it's spring - don't forget to enjoy the moment!

1 comment:

WorkingMommy said...

That's fabulous advice!! Something that, as a mother, I probably should try to do more :D