Sunday, January 11, 2009

Where have I been?

Hello! I've not posted here, and Blaiz, I think of you each time I come to my Blogger Dashboard to check other's blogs -- I had told you my goal for this school year was to try to post 3 times per week. HA! Well, I know better, but I still have a goal to be a "regular poster" here in blog-land.
Since December 15th, I've: been to Chicago and back, been to Georgia and back, had several snow days, cleaned my kitchen (joy, joy, joy!!!), had a dinner party for friends, been to Okemos and back twice for meetings, and just done the regular stuff of life like work, home, etc.

I will post today about a toy that I won on ebay in the fall -- a Gocco machine! I had coveted these little marvels for so long, and decided to purchase one now while I can still find one. Then, I bought inks, and screens from Paper Studio in Teme, AZ (I love this store, and look forward to the next time I can walk around in there touching EVERYTHING -- last time I went there I announced to Cindy, the owner, that I had waited an entire year to come in and touch everything, and so I wanted to do that, and then, and only then decide what I wanted to buy -- she laughed very hard and said OKAY!) and promptly got busy with school and all of the accompanying committees and associations I have gotten myself into. So... I see the box, and from time to time, peek in and think about the art-ing ahead! Bliss!

I have worked on a couple of paintings from a Karyn Gartel online class on and off over about 8 or 9 months -- at times I get really inspired to paint, and others, I just don't think I can do it -- must be the inner critic telling me that I'm no good at this, what's a musician doing painting???
Well, I'm getting close to being done, and while I'm now quite a bit farther than this, here 'tis -- I'll post when I finish. (LOL - when will THAT be??? LOL!!)

These are long and skinny, and tall - about 8 x 24 or so -- hard to tell in the picture, but they are, trust me.
I have also been asked to produce the guest book for the MSBOA 75th anniversary party -- we're holding it at the Michigan Music Conference, and it sounds like there will be a lot of people flying in for the conference this year, and coming to the party -- after I was asked to do this, I sat through the rest of the meeting thinking about how I would do the cover, and what the inside pages would be like -- only half listening to the rest of the meeting. Since the Convention & the Party will be at the end of this month - I don't have a lot of time to daydream - I've got to get cracking! And, since the Convention regularly brings in several thousand band & orchestra teachers, I have to produce a pretty sizeable book. Well, I work best under pressure (most of the time) so, I'll get cracking, and I'll post here what I produce.
I have some other fun art-ish stuff to post over the next few weeks, so I'm hoping for a free evening to finish a few little projects and then post the results here. See you all again soon in blog-land!


WorkingMommy said...

I love new toys!! :D I tried my hand at painting a couple of times..LOL I think Ellie could do a better job than I do...but you know what? I LIKE it, so I do it...Good, bad, or otherwise. Do what you love, hun...Just do what you love.

Blaiz said...

I just used the Gocco in a workshop I took in September. I liked how easy it was to make a screen, but I hated cleaning up the oil based ink! I'm so lazy.

Love the paintings -- are you going to add houses to them?

I'm looking forward to seeing the list of workshops for Art Unraveled. I'm thinking I could go for a couple of days to take classes, and to see you again! We'll talk after the list is published.

Take care.