Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Fun

We have had lots of fun so far this Holiday season. I made a painting for my mother in law, and I am very proud of it. It's on a 8 x 10 canvas, and has collage, and acrylics and charcoal, and layers and layers and layers. I made a couple of 4 x 5 at the same time, working first on one and then on the other.

Sometimes I just LOVE the patterns on my work table - this one's been "gaining character" for quite some time - read that as "she hasn't changed the paper for a LONG time..."
These are a pair of the earrings that I made for the craft show. I actually made these following the craft show, put them in my "earring box" and they sold almost immediately. I had several people who wanted to look through "the box" and bought pairs for gifts (and a few for themselves, I believe!). I'm going to make more of these, as I had some requests for the same design - I got the materials in just before Christmas break, so I will be working on several more pairs like this, and a few other designs that I like, pretty soon now. It's rather fun coming up with new designs that I like, and hopefully that others will like, as well.
Well, enough from holiday land - hope all is well at your house!


Art After Midnight said...

Your paintings are marvelous! I'll bet your mother inlaw loved it. Have fun on your break.

WorkingMommy said...

you are so talented!!