Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Post #100

I'll be honest, when I saw that I was getting close to post #100 a few weeks ago, I was a little intimidated.  I follow several bloggers, and it seems that in blog-land, when you reach a milestone post, it's like a milestone birthday....  Well, I now know I'm not particularly good with either!  (LOL!)

So, in 100 posts, what have I learned?  Here's 10 things:

10:  It's all about making time for what's important, even just at that moment.  
9.  Once you get started, the task at hand doesn't take nearly as long as you thought it would.  (Or else it takes two or three times as long, but never, NEVER what you thought! LOL!)
8.  Computers take a toll on our eyesight - be careful & take lots of breaks!  I mean, keep reading the blogs, but set a timer.
7.  The world is a lot smaller than I ever imagined.
6.  The inspiration I receive from others is amazing - it's so fun to see what everyone else is up to, and hear about their lives and what inspires them.
5.  Art, like music, is a wonderful creative place to be!  And it is a place, as well as an activity, to me.  A state of mind, as it were.
4.  Friends build you up & keep you going.  (Knew that already, just it's so fun to have blog friendships over such long distances - how cool is this??)
3.  I love looking at blog pictures & need to remember to take lots and post them!
2.  There's so much out there in the world that I want to explore.

And the number one thing I've learned since becoming a blogger is....... wait for it..... wait for it....

1.  It's fun!  

I know, I know, nothing profound.  But, in the end, taking time for ourselves to do something that enriches us or helps us grow is indeed profound.  

And to that end, I wish you a day of fun, wherever and whatever that may be!  As for me, I'm going to do a little in the "craft house" and maybe go explore a new place for lunch.

Til next time!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cindy, on post 100!! It is a milestone considering the time and energy it takes. And the fun! I get carried away sometimes.

Thank you for entering my 100th post give-a-way. I love celebrations, and since I've bloomed so much this year I had to do something fun!

Hope you continue blooming as well. A new career path? Good for you :) Wishing you good fortune on this transition, as well as the drawing for the bracelet!

Art After Midnight said...

Sorry I missed this post somehow. Congratulations for keeping it going. I particularly like #4!