Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Weeks Ago

I know it was a tease that I wrote in the last post - April 20th was a snow day here in Northern Michigan.  I think pretty much every school from here north to the Mackinac Bridge was closed.  The weather truly was frightful - we got about 4 inches of wet, wet, heavy snow here, and to the north, they received much more. 

Two weeks ago today, April 10th, hubby & I had to go to a meeting about 2 hours away from here.  (I know, I know - a meeting on a Sunday - I had another one last week - geesh!)  Anyway, the last remnants (we thought) of winter were still in the woods between here and there, and the fog rising off the snow in the woods made a rather eerie sight - it was soooo cool!

I had hubby pull the car over so I could get these shots - I want to use these in a journal some place - don't they just look like something out of an English mystery novel? 

The irony of that day however, was not the fog.  We arrived at the meeting site and there was still a little chill in the air, and it was a little overcast.  Three hours later, when we exited the building - bright blue skies and 72 degrees outside.  We walked outside & it was summer!!!  (or so we thought at the time)

And then, Wednesday, April 20th, we had a snow day!

Here's to a great week, everyone!

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