Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Class Taken - New Opportunities!

I love learning.  Of late, I love learning about all things metal, although I still LOVE painting and journaling (when I have time).  So, I'm currently taking a class with Deryn Mentock called "Boho Bliss."  It's one of her two classes that I've really wanted to take since I saw the class examples (the other is "Balance Bronze Bangles," hint, hint, Deryn - offer it online!) 

I am now proud to show my latest creations - straight from my studio!  In fact, I paddled over there this morning in my bathrobe to redo one little aspect (it shall remain known only to me, gentle reader) before I posted here and on the class flickr group.  I always hope, while I am in the midst of a cockamaymie idea like that, that none of my students, current or past, have a video camera going.  LOL!!!  But, sometimes, a girl's gotta create!

So here are my earrings: 

Earrings #2 - made with baby blue faceted amazonite & dark blue apatite and bronze & copper wire.
Earrings #1 were made with sterling silver wire, and watermelon tourmaline chunks - decided to start with the expensive wire and just see what happens. 

I like both pair - I made the bronze pair to wear when I'm teaching at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp - I think they'll look pretty cool with my camp uniform! 

Have a great day!


Joanne Huffman said...

Both pair are beautiful.

Wabbit said...

LOVE these earrings! Were you in Susan's Stick It in Your Ear Class at AU? She got me so fired up to make stuff, but I have to be good and do the stuff that makes money first. I just hope that I can keep that fire going until I get time to create some more jewelry!

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Thanks, Joanne & Marilyn. No, Marilyn, I wasn't in Susan's class - I took something else during that time slot. Too many classes, too little time!! LOL!!