Thursday, February 19, 2009


Okay, so in the upper midwest in the winter, there is one thing that I think student and teacher alike will say is a welcome sound -- the phone ringing to tell you that it's a snow day.

Now, I know that also means that we've got a driveway and a sidewalk to clean out, and it's going to be icky weather for people working outside. Having done outside work when I was younger - growing up on a farm, that's sort of a given - I 'get' that and really do appreciate it.

Doesn't matter, however, as there's a certain giddy sense to a snow day, ask anyone.

So, what did I do today? Anyone who knows me, knows I always have a list, and boy did I work on that baby today! I got a bunch of stuff crossed off, and that is good. I also went out to the Townline (our local overrun, overstock store) and bought a bunch of Sharpie Poster Paint Pens. I understood from Kelly Kilmer's blog that these things are now no longer going to be produced. Argghh!!! She's so correct in saying that those are great pens for journaling. Or... were great pens. Well, I bought up a bunch of the ones they had at the Townline today.
And...I read websites that I have wanted to read for a while, and generally chilled out. I drank a cup of tea. I sat with my kitties. I read a magazine. Yum. This was good.

I talked about how luxurious it was to be able to do the laundry in a previous post, and have to explain. The art studio is in the basement of the house next door. Yes, there's a story there, and yes, we own the house next door. My dryer broke at a time when there was no one living in the house, so I started doing laundry there, then asked if Mike thought I could move a table in there to work while I did laundry, "until we rent the house out." Ummm... a year later, and a lot of art supply moving, my entire studio is over there, and well, that's why it's pretty luxurious to go do laundry -- I actually love doing laundry now! LOL!! I giggle every single time I think about it!

Well, whether real or just in attitude, I wish you all a happy snow day some day soon! Take some time for yourself!


Blaiz said...

Ah, yes, so nice to have a day off when you're not sick as a dog!

I was sorry to hear about the poster paints. They work really well over everything, unlike a lot of other markers and gel pens I've (unfortunately) purchased lately.

Keep warm!

WorkingMommy said...

Which house is it? I didn't know learn something new everyday! I can't even get a ROOM to do stuff in, let a lone a whole HOUSE! Lucky girl you are!! :D And I LOVE LOVE LOVE snow days...makes me wish I had finished going into education