I've returned home from Art Unraveled in Phoenix. What a wonderful time it was. I think this year's classes were some of the best I've taken. I have so many cool projects to show - I finished EVERY project!!! (Now, to be fair, not every class was a project class - and to be fair, by Sunday evening I was pretty "full" of art stuff, but I still finished something in every class!!)
It was fun to reconnect with friends - Kim, it was great to spend time laughing and giggling with you, and making art. It was fun to make some new friends & getting better acquainted with people that I had met in previous years.
Over the next few days, I'll show you some of the work I did, and the people I spent time with - here's a start!

Kim & I took "Watercolor Transfer" from the gracious and kind Carla Sonheim. This is a wonderful technique and the results were astounding - although the picture below doesn't do it justice, the colors are muted, soft, flowing and dreamy - it's cool.
BTW - Kim & I met 4 years ago at Art Unraveled - she now lives in the Phoenix area, after having moved from Southern California. She was the first person I met at Art Unraveled, standing in line to register - we've been friends ever since. It was SO fun to get to share classes with her, and to spend time together -- this evening was the first time we'd seen each other in 2 years - yes, there was a lot of happy chatter from both of us during this class!!
L to R - me, Carla, Kim
aren't the colors dreamy?

Well, that's it for today - until next time!
Ok, so I'm commenting LOL. Yes, it was a good time, miss you already! Can't wait to do it all over again next year!
Glad you had a blast!! :D It's wonderful to be able to spend time around people who inspire you :D
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