Sunday, May 15, 2011

My very first bead show

Last Saturday, by some miracle of miracles, there was no school related anything going on that I needed to be involved with - all the State Festivals were over (that I involved me or dear husband), and there was a bead show at a town about 3 hours from here (where we own a condo....!)

And so, in a very un-me like turn of events, we got in the car on Saturday morning (after determining that while driving down the night before and staying in the condo was indeed the better idea, we were just too tired on Friday night to do so), we drove to the bead show.  I had never been to one.  I had an idea, after being at the Art Unraveled vendor show, and craft shows around, what it might be like, but needed to see for myself. 

Voila!  What a wonderful thing - all kinds of beads, at all kinds of price ranges.  Some beautiful things way outside of my price range, and some great things that were in my price range. 

And so, now I've got to get them organized, put away, and start creating.   And...well, if the truth be told, there are already a few things laid on the mat, awaiting time to put them together.  Who knew how fun this would be? 

Today is our big end of the year spring band concert - it's a 2-hour marathon, but we have every ensemble, grades 5 - 12 play, give out awards, hand all the graduating seniors (who survived 8 years with me! LOL!) a plaque, and then do a finale with every student musician (this year it's John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever") - it's a fun day - albeit a long haul - filled with memories and music.  I always look forward to today, although it does in some ways mean "the end," as some of my students will be graduating, and next year's groups won't be the same as this year's groups.  Guess that's just the way it is. 

Have a great week until I write again!

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