Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Full mode summer

Well, it's summer here, finally - the weather's gotten warm and sunny & I think everyone's finally feeling like we might actually have summer.  (If you're not from my neck of the woods, suffice it to say it's been cold and rainy here for most of the spring - really good because we will have more water in the lakes, rivers, etc - not really good because we've also had lots of water in our basements, yards, etc.)

It would seem that I've done lots and lots of work on school-type stuff and very little work on "me" stuff.  That's wearing thin, but I'm hanging in there. 

Yesterday we went to the garden store, bought our garden and our flowers and started planting.  Today, my muscles are reminding me "um...what were you thinking..." but it's all good.  I look out the windows and see the pretty, neat rows and the pretty, neat, cleaned flower beds.  Only a little more to do today to make it sharp.

Then, we decided to take the little yellow car out for a spin to our favorite fish place for an early dinner - late lunch.  Yummo!!

So, the day seemed too good to just end with a drive back home - so, we went to several little towns, and ended at the car ferry dock in Ludington.  This is an old coal-fired ferry boat, originally meant for rail cars to be shipped across Lake Michigan.  Now it carries passenger cars, trucks, and passengers back and forth.  It is a wonderful ride, especially on a nice day.  We were there at about the time the boat would arrive from Wisconsin, so we decided to sit and wait.  It was wonderful!

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