Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer begins, sort of

Well, the high temp here in Northern Michigan has been around 60 degrees. Yipee.... Makes you really think summer! (said tongue in cheek).

No worries, however, because I have several projects I wanted to get to. Here are some, and my progress on them:
1. Clean out my armoire, drawers, hanging clothes rod, and the several closets - now I'm doing well on that, I've sent several bags of old stuff to the Goodwill, and things are looking good. You might be thinking "closetSSS???" But, you have to remember that I live in a 100+ year old house. Each closet is the size of a very, very small coat closet in a modern house. In fact, the coat closet in our condo in Lansing is MUCH larger than any closet in this house. So.....I have clothes spread out in different spots throughout the house. That's one thing I hope to change in the next few years, but for now, I have gone through most things and decided "stay or go." Took a lot of things to the cleaners,and organized, and spiffy.
2. Get my stuff ready for the ASBDA convention - not there yet, but today's the day.
3. Finish a piece or two for the ASBDA Foundation Auction -- working on it. In fact, working on several pieces. I'll post pics in a day or so.
4. Clean out the spare rooms. Ugh. Not there yet, but working on it. Kind of went along with the #1 thing, because it's just to easy to "drop" stuff (including clothing, etc) into the spare rooms - so they need serious attention every once in a while.
5. Clean out the garden - an ongoing thing every spring. I've done some of this, but then it started to rain, rain, rain, rain and be cold. So, probably will finish after ASBDA Convention.
6. Start the bathroom, kitchen, office & porch projects. Okay, these are HUGE projects, and I won't finish in a day, week or month, but I've got to start somewhere - so once decisions are made, I can take them to a builder, designer, or at least the home improvement store!

Whew! I feel tired just looking at my list, and I haven't told you everything I've done - some fun, some not, but all necessary.

One of my former students saw me last week, and said "I hope you're going to take some time for you and to just RELAX." Whew, is he good, or what? Yup, that's necessary, too, but these things, while being *busy* stuff, are still so different than the day to day for Mike & I, that well, they're relaxing!

Well, enough for today, I've got a list!!


WorkingMommy said...

Ok, just reading all of that made me tired!! (of course I am tired a lot right now so take what I say too personally! LOL!) Can't wait to hear about all the progress you make over the summer!! :D And yes, remember to just sit down every once in a while :D Remember, we can always get you here and go to the BIG MALL

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

B I G M A L L ..... it's like MECCA calling me, calling me!! LOL!!! You take care, now.