Wednesday, October 29, 2008

ATC's at school

I was talking with my friend Mary, who works down the hall at the middle school, a while back when I was headed off to Valley Ridge to take my class with Katie Kendrick. She is the art teacher for the middle school and the Catholic High School in our town. We got talking about many things "art" and then she said something about wanting to show her kids Artist's Trading Cards. I, of course, said, "would you like to see some ATC's that I made?"
Okay, so that sparked my post a while back about ATC's and I showed you some that I had made about 2 years ago in a wonderful class at Art Unraveled. I took them in to her, and she took them to her class to show them. Look what she brought me back!! They made a book to house my ATC's for me!! And even included an ATC made out of Duct Tape for me -- HOW COOL IS THAT>!!?!?!

Here's the book -- Japanese stab binding and all. Mary says there was only a small amount of whining -- "I have to go back through the same hole AGAIN?" LOL!!
This is the cool ATC they made for me out of duct tape -- way cool!! It's in the front of the book.
Now, here's an interesting spot. If you look at my earlier post, you'll see an ATC that's blue, and is of a man smoking a cigarette. Mary told me that one of her high school students wanted that ATC, and asked her to ask me if he could have it. She said she would, but that she was sure that I wouldn't want him to have it. Well, she was telling me about it, while I was oohing and ahhing over the book they made me. (Side note - I'm pretty sure I should never play poker -- see why in a line or two...) Well, I began to snicker a little, and tried to not let on, but alas, see sidenote above. Mary snatched the book from my hands, and said "that little rat" (I paraphrased!) because he had taken the ATC out of the book. I just laughed out loud and told her I couldn't possibly be more flattered -- a teenager wanted to steal MY art! Wow, I've really made it!!! Here's the place where the ATC was located in the book....

the lonely spot where there once was a blue ATC with a man smoking a cigarette. I have to admit that I really did like that ATC, but that's not the point of an ATC -- it's about trading with other artists. Not necessarily the way it's usually done, but how cool is it that one of them wanted my work. I'm just so flattered.
I think I will forever look at that picture on this blog and smile.... A teenager liked my work! HA!
Happy Wednesday!


Blaiz said...

Yes, that is a huge compliment!

The book is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so funny. I can imagine Mary's face...She and I went to the same church, I babysat her kids, and of course I worked for her and Don for several years. She is a riot and I am sure her reaction was priceless! You SHOULD be flattered!!!!! :D