Saturday, July 11, 2009

Swaps are sent

(FYI - there are pictures in the post, pictures of artwork I did! But... you have to earn your way to them, by reading through my entire diatribe!! Pictures at the bottom. Don't cheat! Read it all!)

"It sounded like a good idea at the time." What a mouthful.

Anyway, right now that could describe many things in my life, how about yours? Okay, we'll start with the courtyard. Mike keeps reminding me that "I'd be done right now, if the courtyard was the size I envisioned (Mike envisioned, not Cindy). But nooooooo, it has to be the biggest courtyard outside of New Orleans." Umm, what's wrong with that, I ask?

Well, what's wrong with that, is that it requires much more in the way of alignment (I wanted the little bricks that look like cobblestones, so there are many, many more lines to keep straight), and much, much more sand. Mike's already made one trip back to the brick place to buy more sand. It came, on the big truck with the hoist, etc, etc. You guessed it, we're almost out of sand. No grouting has been done - need more sand.

The size of the courtyard seemed like a good idea at the time. (It still does.)

Then there was the whole swap thingy for Art Unraveled. It'll be summer, I said. It'll be easier to fit into my schedule, I said. I have lots of ideas, I said.

It was a good idea at the time.

But...finally, the inchies and the fatbook pages are done, and both are sent. See below.

The inchies are done on my milking machine filters, giving them a gauzy appearance and texture that's hard to capture on a camera. Lots of layers of paint and spray & whatever I grabbed. I liked them just like that, but then I went on line and looked up "inchies" and saw that most inchies also have a focal image. Argghhh.... It seemed like a good idea at the time.

So, what to do? I looked and looked and looked, and finally came up with the idea of a dragonfly brad in the same color as the main "swoosh" of color (copper) in the inchies. And with that, I said "voila." And promptly stuck 'em in an envelope & mailed them. Too late now if I come up with another idea.

Then there are the fatbook pages. Went to Mike & Rita Duvall's on the Art Snake, and Rita does these amazing abstracts that are very linear and geometric, so you know I loved 'em. That got me going on the fatbook pages I had done - they already had the background and the words on them. (This year's Art Unraveled theme is: Moments).

Many hours later, many thoughts on how to integrate everything I had hoped to integrate, and voila, yesterday, I put them together and mailed 'em off. Too late now if I come up with another idea.

And there you have it. 21 inchies, 28 fatbook pages, all done individually. Geesshh. It seemed like a good idea at the time!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Thanks for reconnecting and thanks again for the ride to the UPS. I felt the same as you about what sounded like a great idea at the time. I had started working on something entirely different and spent days not being able to get the result I wanted. Then had a moment of inspiration and "got 'er done."

Hope to see you at AU which is coming soon!!!!!