Monday, July 27, 2009

Where have you been?

So for the past two weeks (12 days to be exact) Mike and I were teaching at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, a summer school of the arts about an hour and 15 minutes south of where we live. It's a wonerful gathering of artistic types, and for two weeks each summer, for the past many years (this was year 21 for me!) we converge on the camp, along with lots (this year nearly 1500) of high school age students to study music, art, drama, and dance. Mike & I each teach a concert band, this year they were 125 kids strong! Yesterday we presented our final concert for families before they picked up the kids and took them home. Come Wednesday morning, the camp will start all over again, with 1500 more kids - this time middle school aged! They do 4 different 2 week sessions.
During final Sunday, I took a walk through the art exhibit, and it was wonderful! There were linoleum block prints, pottery, painting, sketching, fiber arts, textile design, and even some mixed media! I had a student of mine from home who was in the art studio during this past session, so I looked for her art work ~ it was very good! Artistic kids!
I have lots of pictures of camp, and now that I'm back where there is internet availability - I'll share with you some pictures from around camp. For those of you who follow this blog, I know several of you went there as students ~ hope this brings back memories. For those of you who don't know anything about the place, well, imagine a place where creativity flows freely, in an idyllic setting in the northern Michigan woods. (and sand, LOTS and LOTS of sand.....and a few bugs, but hey, it's camp!).
More later!


Blaiz said...

Hi Cindy! For some reason, I haven't gotten a notice of your blog posts all month, and today I got notice of the last 6, so here I am.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time" is something I say to myself a lot, so I understand what you are dealing with.

Have fun with the rest of your camp stay. Art Unraveled comes next, right? I'll be looking forward to your posts and pictures from that experience.


Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Blaiz - I'm so glad to hear from you - hadn't heard from you in a while. Crazy how these computers work sometimes. Yes, it's off to AU in less than a week. I'm really excited, and will post (hopefully) from there. Camp was quite wonderful, and I'll blog about it more this week, and later, as well. Hope you are well.

WorkingMommy said...

I remember that it rained almost constantly when I was at BL...Dr. Bass ( I think that was his name...) used to get so mad b/c there was water everywhere...LOL!