Sunday, January 9, 2011

jewelry making adventures

I know that I've added a sidebar to my blog, where you can take a look at the items I have put into my etsy shop.  And yes, it's all been jewelry to date.  I've got other things to post, and the goal is to post at least 6 things a week this year, as there are things available to post.  This weekend, I've been busy with band meetings (and will be again later today - yes, on a Sunday - I know, I know....)  I haven't posted anything new until today, but I'm kind of getting into the habit, and it feels good to have a regular routine to my posting.

And the creating, wow, has that been fun.  But, it's all so small!  Like these - tiny little green kyanite squares, and even smaller red beads.  What a challenge it has been to learn to work so small. 

I am proud of these, especially, however, as they are made with sterling wire, and the beads.  I had to learn to make the headpins (with a!!!  yipee!!), made the earwires (again with the torch !!), and then put them together.  Learning to work with metals has been fun & ongoing.  I've taken the Stephanie Lee "Homesteader's Metalsmithing" Online class - what a great class!  Still working to perfect some of the other skills learned in the class, and those will show up in later blog post and etsy posts! 

Now on to the next (and final) meeting of the weekend.  Then, to catch up on business emails & phone messages, and THEN I can play in the studio....

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