Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fall colds, Polaroid transfers, and Friday night football!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Funny thing happened recently in regards to ATC's - the mother of one of my seniors (12th grader) is the middle school art teacher. Our classrooms are about 25 yards apart, and we are both at the middle school at about the same time each afternoon. She asked me about attending Art Unraveled this year - she said she had heard that I had attended 'an art retreat in August' and wondered about it. I shared some information about classes I had taken. She wanted to see my work. I brought one thing in, she said "I want to see more." I brought in something else, and then described the Katie Kendrick class I was taking last weekend. She asked to see it when I came back -- so I brought it in. We've talked a lot about art since then - seems she is really into collage right now. And then, she asked if I'd ever heard of Artists Trading Cards? Insert hearty laugh here.... I asked if she wanted to see some of mine? Well, of course, you know the answer -- she thought it would be cool for the kids to see mine, and to know that I did art. She wants to do ATC's with her middle school kids. Ta Dah!
Well, that got me thinking ATC's, and so I dug these out, and took pictures of them -- here's some of my fav's!
Now it's off to clean out my closet. Fun, hey?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
More from Valley Ridge
Katie is a wonderful teacher - gives each student some time, making you feel special, but also letting you 'do your own thing' when you want to. She has a gentle spirit, which makes the art making just that much more fun -- that's us together, and me with my book! Take a look inside:
I enjoyed playing with the cardboard -- something I'd never thought of to do before. I also enjoyed all the wonderful techniques we learned to paint our pages. Although I am far from done with my book, I am pleased with it so far -- I look forward to adding more to each page, and recalling the fun weekend spent with new friends at a great retreat!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Valley Ridge class with Katie Kendrick
Thus, I made my class!! Kathy, owner of Valley Ridge, had offered to take me through the class when I got there, if all I could do was catch the 2:30 flight -- but I'm so glad I got to spend the day with the other gals in the class, and with Katie Kendrick, teacher extraordinaire! Lunch was superb, staying in the guest house at Valley Ridge was so much fun (I was all by myself in the lovely house!!)
The class went on again on Sunday, and although I had to leave early in order to catch my flight back home, I got to almost finish the main structure of my cardboard visual journal. I'll post pictures here later tonight of the journal and of beautiful Valley Ridge. Thanks, Kathy & Bill, Katie, and all the people in the class! It was a wonderful time -- I can't wait to go back!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Travel Thoughts
Next weekend, after our first football game performance (more on that another day) I'll get up very, very early Saturday morning and fly to Milwaukee, get a rental car, and drive to Valley Ridge Art Studio to take the Cardboard Visual Journal class with the wonderful Katie Kendrick -- I've talked to others who have had classes with her before, and they have always raved, so I'm really, really excited. I also poured over the article she did about this journal for 'Cloth, Paper, Scissors' magazine. Yes, my supplies are packed, and I've left just a little room for a change of clothes and a toothbrush. I can't wait!!! I know in many ways this week will drag by as I anticipate this wonderful adventure. Happy Sunday, all!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I watched all of the young girls today, so many dressed up in their finery -- how I smiled. Bravo - continue to think about style over comfort from time to time. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as it makes you smile! And sometimes, like me, it will make you smile for decades!
Speaking of smiling - this picture of Mike and my father in law Al makes me smile. They wanted to borrow my car (okay, my new toy) and go for a ride while we were visiting. I knew that Al would love to get a chance to drive it -- look at their smiles -- what do you think?
The only disappointment of late was the fact that we missed out on the last day of the fish market for the summer. It is about 45 minutes from our house, and we decided that Monday we would go there & have one more fish fry for the summer. Convertible top down, we drove, anticipating what we would order. As we approached, we both said out loudn- "I think we've got a problem." Yes, you're right - they were already closed. Well, beloved fish market, we will be back next spring, perhaps even on opening day, we are so wanting our fish dinner (Mike, whitefish or snapper, me, shrimp or scallops). Until then, we will smile with the memory of this summer's delightful dinners on your picinic tables on the front lawn. Yummmmm......
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
First Day of School
Monday, September 1, 2008
More Garden Goodies, more summer fun
The garden looks so good now, all the colors of late summer - the beautiful greens and reds and yellows. I made a tomato pie yesterday, and when I brought the tomatoes in they were still warm from the sun. What a great joy for all of the senses! And again, we got to share it with friends last evening to celebrate the end of summer and the start of a new school year -- what a joy! Thank you for a great evening!
Earlier in the summer, the peonies were in full bloom - we have several gorgeous colors of them blooming in one big mass right outside the back door -- they are a great way to welcome in the summer, and I post their pictures here to remind me of the wonderful summer that was, and how it began in a burst of blooms.
I'm also getting ready to go to Valley Ridge Art Studio in a couple of weeks -- I'll be taking a class with Katie Kendrick that I am so excited about being able to take. She did an article in "Cloth, Paper, Scissors" magazine about a cardboard visual journal that I poured over when it came out. In fact, I bought some cheesecloth & a roll of gauze bandage, because I was so inspired. And then, of course, work and obligations got in the way, and there those items sat. So then, when the Art Unraveled schedule came out, I was heartsick that she had a class offered on doing just that journal that was opposite the DJ Pettitt 2-day class that I absolutely felt that I *must* take. A HA -- Valley Ridge published their class schedule and there it was!! Fortunately, with a little fancy scheduling, I've been able to take the class, even though I'll be rushing in at the last minute (sorry, Katie...) and rushing out probably just before the class is over. But.... I get to go!!! So, I've been studying the supply list (the cheesecloth and gauze were not a problem!!) and I'm hoping to put all of my treasures into the suitcase today, so that each time I walk by it, I will smile. I'm so excited, and Valley Ridge is a most amazing place with a vista and a wonderful ambiance -- inspires the creativity!
Well, off to the last day of 'getting ready' for a new school year. Yes, I'll do some prep work, but I also have a convertible ride to a great fish fry waiting! I can't think of a better way to get mentally prepared!!