Okay, so it was the first day of school for teachers. You hear all about getting "kids" ready for the first day of school, but what you don't hear about is all the big "kids" are getting ready, too. We think about wearing just the right outfit, and making sure the alarm clock is set just so, and the freshness and the newness that a new "year" brings. I always feel like I get several fresh starts every year -- the start of school, January 1, the start of a new semester, spring time. I feel like I'm really blessed with all the beginnings of my life.
So what about the endings? Well, being a teacher who is with kids from the 5th grade until the 12th grade, there is a sense of ending as each group graduates. Today I missed seeing one of my recent graduates who was home for a couple of days. Drat - I really like to connect with them -- she wanted to tell me how hard college marching band intensive week was. (She told all of this to the gal I work with) She wanted to tell me all about all the new stuff in her life - dorm, room mates, marching band drills & music, classes --- beginnings for her, ending for me. I wish her well, and I know she'll be back to see me again soon to tell me all about her new adventures!
This spring (speaking of beginnings) the bush at the front of the house again bloomed and produced these amazing flowers -- they smell sweeter than any flower I've ever smelled. I love them, and don't have the foggiest idea what they are -- perhaps one of my friends or readers would be able to tell me what they're called. We are going to redo our porch this fall or next spring, and I'm afraid I'll lose this bush and not know what to replant, so I'm on a mission to find out what this thing is.
Anybody have any ideas?
No art today - too much school stuff to do. I'm also working on cleaning out closets and the junk rooms. Yes, room"s". But that's not for long -- I'm on a tear and want to have clean, neat rooms again, throughout the house. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Well, it's back to cleaning, gardening & getting ready for kiddies tomorrow - till then!
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