Sunday, September 7, 2008

Travel Thoughts

So, school has begun, and along with it a number of things that made me think wistfully back to summer time. (Is it summer vacation yet??) One of my favorite pics was snapped through the windshield of our rental car in Flagstaff, AZ. I know, it's not 'artsy' or even very exciting, except if you look closely, you'll see the "Route 66" sign there, plus all those wonderful western cities and the arrows. I just loved this intersection - I remembered seeing it the last time we drove through here, 4 years ago. To me, this looks like the crossroads of America.

Next weekend, after our first football game performance (more on that another day) I'll get up very, very early Saturday morning and fly to Milwaukee, get a rental car, and drive to Valley Ridge Art Studio to take the Cardboard Visual Journal class with the wonderful Katie Kendrick -- I've talked to others who have had classes with her before, and they have always raved, so I'm really, really excited. I also poured over the article she did about this journal for 'Cloth, Paper, Scissors' magazine. Yes, my supplies are packed, and I've left just a little room for a change of clothes and a toothbrush. I can't wait!!! I know in many ways this week will drag by as I anticipate this wonderful adventure. Happy Sunday, all!

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