Well, yesterday got to almost 50 degrees here in northern Michigan -- it's unusual but not unheard of in December. But.... last night from about 4:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. the temperature plummeted over 30 degrees -- we are now in the teens!! Since it rained all day yesterday, the roads have become a solid sheet of ice, in addition, we've begun the famouse "lake effect snow" and the winds have howled all day at 20 - 30 miles per hour. All in all, a dismal, grey day. But... no school, a chance to allow my body to heal from the cold it decided I should get right now (I hear several of you saying "well, duh, when you're that busy and don't take care of yourself, what do you expect), and a chance to get a couple of projects done. Nope, no art, but I'm thinking of walking over to the studio and do a little -- the problem is, I have to go outside for about 12 steps. Maybe I will, or maybe I'll get another cup of hot tea, and grab a good book.
So - in honor of today's blustery weather, here are pictures from this summer. Summer Love!
Well, a little art making, perhaps, but at the very least, a little hot tea & dreams of summer!